Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Privacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy - 3113 Words

Introduction Privacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While this definition serves as a quick start to the right of privacy, there are still several interpretations as to what may or may not constitute as an invasion of privacy. What one person may believe to be an innocent curiosity, another may feel as though it is a deliberate invasion of privacy. Often these disputes make their way into courtrooms and are subjected to controversy and evaluation. This essay will focus on appropriation of name or likeness for commercial purposes. First, it will define the right of privacy, and right of publicity. Next, the evaluation and discussion of four cases in which appropriation of name or likeness for commercial gain was assessed in courtrooms. Then after, thoughts on c urrent developments in this area of law will be discussed, as well as suggestions for current working journalists. Finally, closing and concluding statements will be addressed. Background In the mid twentieth century, the tort of appropriation experienced a shift. Courts reoriented the tort so that it no longer exclusively protected a person’s interest in dignity or â€Å"privacy,† but rather the pecuniary interest in the commercial exploitation of one’s identity, or one’sShow MoreRelatedPrivacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy3114 Words   |  13 PagesPrivacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. 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